The Council of Aboriginal Services Western Australia (CASWA) is pleased to announce the election of its new Board of Directors.

Eleven Aboriginal leaders, representing Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) from across Western Australia (WA), were elected to the Board at CASWA’s inaugural Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

Mr Christopher Bin Kali, current Board Director of Aarnja Ltd, was elected as CASWA’s Chairperson.

Ms Gail Beck, current Chairperson of Yued Aboriginal Corporation, was elected as CASWA’s Deputy Chairperson.

From the top (L-R): Christopher Bin Kali (Chairperson), Gail Beck (Deputy Chairperson), James Christian (CASWA CEO), Carissa Bellottie, Barron Bonney, Preston Thomas, Laurel Sellers, Ian Trust, Tyronne Garstone, Martin Sibosado, William ‘Chicky’ Clements, Ada Hanson.

The full Board includes:

Christopher Bin Kali (Chairperson) – Aarnja Ltd

Gail Beck (Deputy Chairperson) – Yued Aboriginal Corporation

Carissa Bellottie – Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service

Barron Bonney – Bega Garrnbirringu Health Services

William ‘Chicky’ Clements – Nirrumbuk Environmental Health Services

Tyronne Garstone – Kimberley Land Council

Ada Hanson – Goldfields Aboriginal Language Centre Aboriginal Corporation

Laurel Sellers – Yorgum Healing Services Aboriginal Corporation

Martin Sibosado – Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation

Preston Thomas – Ngaanyatjarra Group

Ian Trust – Wunan Foundation

The Chief Executive Officer of CASWA, Mr James Christian PSM, said ‘convening CASWA’s first AGM and having our member ACCOs elect our inaugural Board was a significant milestone for WA’s second and fastest growing Aboriginal Community-Controlled peak body.

‘We had strong attendance from 30 of CASWA’s member services at the AGM resulting in a robust election and result. I am confident that the new Board, with its broad experience and connections to community, will provide stable, strategic and culturally informed guidance for CASWA in the coming years’, Mr Christian said.

New CASWA Chairperson, Mr Bin Kali, acknowledged and sincerely thanked the interim CASWA Board, chaired by Ms Vicki O’Donnell OAM, for its vision and tireless work to develop and establish CASWA.

Mr Bin Kali also said, ‘I would also like to thank the Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (AHCWA) for its ongoing support for CASWA’s establishment and operations.

‘As the only two Aboriginal Community-Controlled peak bodies in WA, we are in a unique and strong position to work together to achieve better outcomes for our people and communities’.